
Charity walk in Tsukiji, Tsukudajima, Tsukishima for helping children in Mongolia (June 4th)

Let’s enjoy walking around nostalgic old down town Tokyo

These following photos are taken in the preliminary inspection of the program.
Tsukiji Outer Market
Tsukiji Outer Market

A salmon shopA salmon shop
Oden ingredients shopOden ingredients shop

 ~To help found a kindergarten in Mongolia~
 ★Charity walk in Tsukiji, Tsukudajima, Tsukishima★

Date:  June 4th (Sat.) 9:40~14:45
Meeting place: Tokyo Metro ‘Tsukiji station’ Exit 1 (Exit for Tsukiji honganji Temple) 
Entry fee: JPY 1,000 (High school students and under: JPY500)
 (In addition, an admission fee (JPY 100) of ‘Time dome Akashi (The folk museum of Chuo city)’ is needed.)
What to bring: water, hat, towel, umbrella, etc.
(Lunch is not included in the program. You will have time for lunch and shopping at the Tsukiji outer market.)

‘JAFS (Japan Asian Friendship Society) Kanto (voluntary organization)’ will hold The ‘Charity walk’ to found a kindergarten in ‘Ger areas’ in Ulan Bator, the capital city in Mongolia for providing childcare services to poor children. Your entry fee is used for renovating the kindergarten, installing its equipment, and providing their teaching materials through JAFS. We will also collect contributions for Kumamoto earthquake victims on the spot.

Tsukiji honganji temple which reminds us of Indian temple
Tsukiji honganji temple

Namiyoke jinjya shrineThe lion mask of the Namiyoke jinjya shrine
Kachidokibashi bridgeKachidokibashi bridge is famous bascule bridge


Start : Tokyo Metro Tsukiji station(9:50)
~ Tsukiji Honganji temple (9:55-10:30)
~ Tsukiji Tsukiji outer market (10:40-12:00[Shopping & Lunch(by each one)])
~ Namiyoke inari shrine (12:05-12:15)
~ Museum of the Kachidokibashi bridge (12:20~12:40)
~ Museum of the Chuo City (Time Dome Akashi) (13:10~13:30)
~ The site of Asano Takuminokami’s house (13:40)
~ Monument of Tsukudajima ferry (14:05)
~ Monument of Ishikawajima light house (14:15-14:20)
~ Sumiyoshi Jinjya shrine (14:25)
~ Tokyo metro Tsukishim station (14:40)
Goal : Breaking up spot(14:45)[TBD: Friendly meeting] 
《 About 6 kilometers from the start point to the goal 》

 ※The schedule is subject to change due to unavoidable circumstances.


The museum of the Kachidokibashi bridgeThe museum of the Kachidokibashi bridge
The monument of the Japanese modernizationThe monument of the Japanese modernization

Houseboat cruising along Sumida riverHouseboat cruising along Sumida river
The Monument of the Ishikawajima light houseThe Monument of the Ishikawajima light house


Please apply to Japan Asian Friendship Society (JAFS) Kanto
E-mail: jafskanto @ gmail.com
TEL: 06-6444-0587


←click here for application form

  ※For insurance reason, please enter your own name in the program.

フィリピンでのワークキャンプJAFS関東 ぞうすいの会「国際協力と市民活動」(5/29)前のページ



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